Grand Theft Auto 5: Flyable Jets and rideable Bikes

20th Aug 2012 14:07 | Grand Theft Auto

Grand Theft Auto 5: Flyable Jets and rideable Bikes

Screenshots from the highly anticipated Grand Theft Auto V

About an hour ago Rockstar released three new Grand Theft Auto 5 Screenshots, titled 'Transport'.

Nothing else was said, except for a cheeky 'More to come this week...'.

We're being shown how we can expect to get about in GTA5. You can chose from your conventional cars and pedal bike, or take to the skies in a jet! Feast your eyes on these.

RockStar have now released GTA 5 - Leisure Activities screenshots.

A very F22-esque flyable fighter jet flies over a city in GTA5

GTA 5 - Fighter Jets

GTA5 sees the return of the jet, most probably.

GTA5 - Riding a bicycle along the coast, Santa Monica Pier?

GTA 5 - riding a bike

We're riding a bike along the Los Angeles coast, or should we say Los Santos.

GTA5 - one of the game's fast cars. A return for the Cheeta!

GTA 5 Cars - Cheeta

Notice the reflection in the car, possibly the Golden Gate Bridge. Also the licence plate says 'San Andreas'.


Published 20th Aug 2012 14:07 in Grand Theft Auto


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