Welcome to the Assassin's Creed 2 Feather Tracker!
Interactive maps showing the feather locations and personal feather tracker!
This website helps you find all 100 feathers in Assassin's Creed 2, via the easy to use interactive maps. Not only that, but track your progress via the feather tracker.
No need to memorize which feathers you have collected for the 'In Memory of Petruccio' achievement/trophy - just simply tick them off as you find them!
It coudn't be easier to collect all 100 feathers - so get free running!

Computer or Mobile
No need to get out your laptop, or sit at a computer...
Load up AC2F on your modern mobile device such as your Palm Pre, iPhone, Blackberry or iPod Touch.
Force mobile version: MLWGames.com/ac2/m